The ancient Chinese can be credited with one of the most well-known and practiced methods of relieving various health and pain problems. Much more than just massage, acupressure helps the entire body function better, heal faster and remain stress-free. It is related to acupuncture in the basic concept that pain and problems in one part of the body are controlled and alleviated by pressure points in other parts of the body.
Acupressure works on the basic concept that energy, also known as Chi, flows through the body but can be impeded by built-up pressure. The practices of both acupressure and acupuncture release that pressure and open up channels for the energy to flow smoothly. When these channels are open, the corresponding body locations are pain free and body processes and organs function fully.
When one studies acupressure they learn exactly where to pinpoint the pressure points associated with locations of pain or illness. By applying pressure with your thumb, knuckle or the eraser end of a pencil you can often alleviate pain and reduce symptoms of illness.
Unlike acupuncture, acupressure is relatively easy to perform on yourself from the comfort of your home. It can even be performed in a limited way while at work or going about daily routines.
Here are few useful acupressure points:
Acupoint #1. This location is just about where the thumb meets the hand when following a line down from the side of the forefinger. Applying pressure here will help with many problems on the upper torso, including facial pain, nervousness and most respiratory illnesses.
Acupoint #2. Located in the middle of the wrist, about two inches below the hand, this pressure point helps with arm pain, stomach pain, menstrual cramps, respiratory illnesses and smoking cessation.
Acupoint #4. This point is located behind the outside anklebone. Pressure on this spot helps with ankle problems, back aches, leg cramps and a variety of other problems all over the body.
Acupoint #10. At the base of the thumbnail, on the side away from the fingers is a pressure point that helps with nasal congestion, headaches, arm pain and a variety of serious conditions.
As with most alternative therapies, acupressure is not an alternative to emergency medical care and should be used as a supplementary treatment for serious illnesses.
Used correctly, acupressure can help reduce your stress levels, general aches and pains, ease the symptoms of many illnesses and aid in recovery from injury and surgery.
It is a good method in releasing stress and treating natural causing pain. It is very helpful and useful form of natural medicine.
There are many natural alternatives, it is just good for everyone to keep options open I believe!
Natural home treatment fοr heel pain іѕ simple, inexpensive аnd dοеѕ nοt cause side effects. Home treatment fοr heel pain thаt uses natural remedies іѕ: 1) rest 2) icing 3) pain relievers 4) orthotic 5) simple exercises аnd 6) night splints.